Monday, 9 December 2019


Thankfully, I changed my situation. From October 18 th , Muthoni the Drummer Queen will be releasing her second album, titled MDQ which is an embodiment of all her personalities as a Female Musician and entrepreneur. And Kenya was invented by colonialists, really — a bunch of white people sat in a room and chopped up Africa. People are always happy to have immigrants as long as they can make some money off of them. I mean, we've earned it. feeling it by muthoni the drummer queen

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Muthoni the Drummer Queen is back

If you come to the hospital but they don't have the instruments or the medicine, because it's gotten lost in procurement, because of corruption or the government, it's like, 'Outside of witchcraft, how can I help you?

The police went into muthnoi neighborhoods and just rounded up men, women teh children and threw them into our national stadium — which was for all intent and purposes like a concentration camp. We are proud to report that Muthoni the Drummer queen is coming back in a big way! People would bring their blankets, their wine, picnics, girlfriends, boyfriends, mother, child, pet, whatever. There is that much more urgency — and not just for the bad shit, but also the good shit.

I really feel, also, given the rate of unemployment and the inefficiency of the economy to create new jobs, the creative queeen is the next manufacturing industry for Africa, without a doubt. I did this all myself. Do we own the things? We have to demystify the idea of 'the other.

And then it was easy to connect that to the global conversation about immigrants around the world and all the shit they experience.

And then he played them some of my stuff, and they liked my stuff — I don't know why, whatever, thank you. But the effect on people's lives — these are real people. My candid songs catapulted me to MCA seat — singer Karish. Only the creative industry can help people like that, and to understand one another.

Link Here Feeling It By Muthoni The Drummer Queen

From this next election on, queeh population will be shifting to a younger and younger representation. I'm trying not to lose my head. She took great pride in her work. Thankfully, I changed my situation. In many ways, she epitomizes the 21st century African woman, which may be why she was recently asked to give a TED talk which will drop online Sept.

As well, when I'm playing in spaces like this, in Montreal, I'm really highly aware that I may be the first Kenyan that people have ever seen or interacted with.

feeling it by muthoni the drummer queen

We need to put the money into becoming true Kenyans. So it was like, 'Cool. So there's a place in Nairobi where there's a huge Somali community. We'll have to invent stuff and move out of producing workers for a factory and into creators and thinkers. But they were saying it was to check this and that.

feeling it by muthoni the drummer queen

But she was also very happy to share her time with us as she prepared for what would be an amazing set of singing, dancing, and yes, drumming, at this year's Festival International de Jazz in Montreal. This was fundamentally different from anything we'd experienced in Nairobi. MP David Ole Sankok gifts wife car, flaunts huge mansion. So instead of putting on a band-aid, they said, why don't you just do the opposite, be radical in my approach.

feeling it by muthoni the drummer queen

How do you make it possible for the people to be 'a people? So it was just, you know, 'when it's done, it's done.

Interviews July 18, She's always struck me as a symbol of a woman who is strong and does what she needs to do. She was making it possible for herself, and her brothers and sisters, to have a better life than the one she was living. This is not cool, these self-preserving things — like deciding who is the enemy and who isn't.

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